The blogs allege Matthew got into some legal trouble after being indicted on drug charges in Tallahassee, FL. The Matthew pictured also lived in Tallahassee before moving to Ft. Lauderdale.
Those same court records from Broward County showing Shenellica’s criminal history also show the 39 year old woman identified as White (many South Americans identify as European) and lived in Bronx, NY.
The real Matthew L. Tremellen still lives in Ft. Lauderdale, with his Guyanese wife, Shelly Bettencourt-Tremellen:
Shelly, aka Shenellica Bettencourt, was born in 1977 (making her 39 years old). Her family is from Georgetown, Guyana, but Shelly was born in New York. She graduated in 1995 (again making her 39) from a Roman Catholic high school, Monsignor Scalan High in Bronx, NY before moving to Ft. Lauderdale.
She matches the description of the court records and the woman blogs are pegging to be Joseline.
Back in the day, Joseline Hernandez lived in Florida as a dancer at Diamond Cabaret strip club in Miami. She started dancing as an underage stripper by using a stolen ID, belonging to Shenellica Bettencourt….
The rest is Love & Hip Hop Atlanta history. Stevie J, stay off blogs that don’t do their own research.
Remember where you read it first!