Jelani Maraj FOUND GUILTY, His Mother Carol Maraj Testified In His DEFENSE

38 year old Jelani Maraj was found guilty today and convicted of felony predatory sexual assault on a child and endangering the welfare of a child.

Jelani’s defense claims he was the victim of a $25 million extortion deal, saying Jelani’s own wife set him up by putting his semen on her preteen daughter’s pajamas and then asking for $25 million. When child abuse experts testified there was evidence the victim was penetrated, Jelani’s defense questioned if that penetration could’ve came from a teenage boyfriend.

Jelani’s mother, Carol Maraj testified in his defense, says reports.

“Carol Maraj testified her son’s then-wife made a comment she perceived as an extortion threat while driving her to court following her son’s arrest on Dec. 1, 2015.

She said Maraj’s wife told her: ‘It’s gonna take lots of money to get out of this one.'”