30 Year Old Mother Arrested For Whooping Sons She Caught Stealing From Neighbors, How The Government PROFITS From BAD PARENTING

Though the purpose of prison is to rehabilitate criminals and turn them into law-abiding citizens through the prison’s programs (educational opportunities, counseling, etc.), prison has a reported 75% recidivism rate. This means 75% of people who get locked up and released will eventually return to jail, thus creating more profit for the prison industry. As new laws are created and old laws are revised with stricter punishments, the prison industry will continue to boom.

For Schaquana Spears, the power to keep her kids out of prison is no longer up to her. East Baton Rouge Parish deputies have stripped her of her authority in her own home. They’ve stripped Spears of her power to raise and discipline her 6 children as she sees fit. As mentioned before, Spears’s children were taken out of her custody after her arrest, which in the end, will do more harm than good for her children. Unfortunately for Spears, her journey to get her kids back and keep them (and herself) out of the prison system has just begun.