Amy Inita Joyner-Francis was warned on Instagram not to show up to school today. She was told “someone wants your head” in her comments. The next day, she went to school and was attacked by five girls in the bathroom, including one who claimed to be helping Amy, but appears to have joined in in beating the student. Instead of notifying their teachers, other girls grabbed their phones and started recording the fight…
16 year old Amy of New Castle, Delaware attended Howard High School of Technology in Wilmington. Media outlets are reporting the fight was over a boy. The last post Amy made was of a boy believed to be her boyfriend. He’s since deleted his pictures off Instagram, as others who are tied to the fight, have:
However, one student says the fight was over petty high school girl drama, where one of Amy’s friends named Trinity thought Amy was talking about her. Two more friends named Zion and Chakeria reportedly instigated the fight and together they confronted Amy in the bathroom:
A screenshot from a cell phone footage recording of the fight shows Trinity holding Amy’s head down:
According to students, the fight started with Amy initially fighting only one girl and the others jumped in. During the fight, Amy hit her head on the bathroom sink and lost consciousness. Amy was flown to the Alfred I. DuPont Hospital for Children after the fight was reported at 8:28 a.m. She was later pronounced dead. Classes were dismissed around 10 a.m. after the news of her death and students were sent home early.
Authorities have the girls involved in the fight in custody while they finish the investigation on Amy’s death. Trinity, the girl in the screenshot, tweeted “free us” from inside the cop car and later deleted the tweet. The fifth girl named Meeka, who is believed to be involved in the fight, reportedly posted an apology to Amy after the murder:
The mayor of Wilmington, Dennis Williams released an emotional statement on the death of the 10th grade student, saying his heart bleeds for the family of Amy:
“I’m so upset that the young lady lost her life today. Things like this shouldn’t happen. My heart bleeds for the family, the kids that go to this school, administrators and our city.”
Deleware Governor Jack Markell also released a statement on Amy’s death, saying:
“My heart goes out to the family. It’s an unspeakable tragedy. For those of you who work with kids and love your kids, I’m sure it’s impossible to imagine.”
More information as the story develops.
r.i.p. amy i think them girls should be punished who the hell sits right here in fight over a fucking boy and literally killed the girl for no apparently reason like omg this is so stupid asf
Im sick i see amy face she lost it happen so fast the girl in picture with amy she set it up meeka and tinity plan it those girls who help them by recording it didnt like amy god show me things amy is made and she come to me if i had my was i beat them up please amy mom dont let this go she murder bye those girls help amy get justice
I am so angry w people in w Delaware not being pro active and demanding justice I am a senior I have grand kids it hit home the people should be rally a front of the mayor’s office and the chief of police this is sending a bad message to young people that there is no reprecaution they should been arrestested the same day. There is no justice for the victim I hope they burn in hell…
This generation is so lost. The law is so twisted. This young lady LOST her life over nothing. There are to many excuses and no accountability. This shows all the other broken , angry unruly girls that it is ok to jump and beat someone to death. I can’t believe this school had the nerve to use the word suspended. What about expelled? It has been 1 week and no charges have been filed. I hope that they get murder 1. I hope they are charged as an adult. They did a adult crime. They should have to do adult time. Also the girls who chose to video tape instead of helping should be held accountable and charged. It’s unfortunate that this young ladies tragedy had to WAKE People Up. Amy’s parents can’t hug and hold her. The girls who committed this CRIME should not be able to text, social media or any other privilege. Let’s not say That is a shame. Don’t let this be just another story that fades. Let’s make a stand to have some justice for not just Amy but our precious babies. I have been crying everyday over this situation. My prayers and thoughts go out to the family. God’s wrath will be the only thing that counts. RIP AMY.
Wow this is crazy rip Amy
Sorry Amy ? if I was there inside the restroom I would.save you?
But I was in class.
We went to the same school but no one warned or told.Me that my bbyg was gonna get murdered over a boy?
I love you bbyg ??
u shoulda been dea by her side if u kne datt she was gonna get jumped
Rest In Peace Amy Uu Didn’t Have To Go Like This All Respect To Uu && Will Keep Your Family In Prayers #justiceforamy
I am so saddened by this tragedy I feel like it could have been avoided this is a senseless crime and those girls need to be punished as adults you can not jump someone and think that it is ok they should be given life because Amy was at the prime of her life and it was taken for no reason whatsoever I believe it was pure jealousy Justice for Amy she’ll be served.
This is by far the most detailed story I have saw online about this young lady’s tragic murder. I appreciate your research and hope that the girls responsible for her murder get what they deserve.
Whether a lie or the truth is revealed about the reasoning behind this brutle act of violence, the point of the matter is that lives are lost… Amy will never return to the comforts of her home, family or friends. She will never hear the words I love you and everything will be ok from her loved ones again.
Although I know that these other girls are babies as well, there are always consequences to ones actions and it’s unfortunate that you all never thought this through thoroughly.
I pray for all involved and God’s will be done. I pray for strength and comfort because there are many sleepless night, worrisome days, lonely and empty moments to come. May God provide PEACE to your souls.
My heart bleeds!!! STOP THE VIOLENCE
Charge they’re asses!!!! No one gives you the right to put hands on someone else!!! PERIOD!!!! #shameful #heartless RIP Amy. What a horrible terrible story. My heart aches…what happened to #blackgirlmagic ?
I am piis off they killed my sister she was only 16 years old and she was not no trouble person I will find who did this to my baby sister
This Sad ! They really shouldn’t of jumped her period. Point ° blank _
This is a very sad and tragic story. My heart goes out to Amy’s family. What gives somebody the right to put their hands on another Individual. Let alone stand there and videotape the whole fight. Nobody bothered to help her or run and get an adult. SMH what is this world coming to. I do believe that everybody that was involved In the fight and video taping the fight needs to be punished.
Another baby taken away by savages. My heart goes out to her family…may you all find strength to live on an seek justice for this baby. As for the young ladies that did this I pray for you all as well… #justice4Amy#
Why didn’t anyone step in? Why didn’t someone get a teacher? Why did the students have to make a spectacle of this and decide to video it? This isn’t a movie, this is real life and someone’s life could have been saved most likely if people weren’t just standing around watching and decided to get help
My daughter was almost jumped by three girls and I thank God she called me and I had school officials go to her rescue. This hurts so much right now I can’t stop the tears from falling from my face. This could have been my beautiful baby girl. Prayers go out to her family. Pray for healing them in this horrible situation. ??
All of them should be charged with something in the death of this young girl. Those who assaulted her and those who were recording the video for failure to render aid and basically for being accomplices… This is not OK and needs to be addressed
Justice for Amy. R.I.P Amy there will be Justice
I can’t believe people are talking why the fight started, it doesn’t matter either reason is not a good enough reason to beat someone the way these girls did. This is the stuff that scares me for when my daughter goes to school.
Exactly scared for my child future. With everything going on the bathrooms should be monitored period
omg I’ve been thinking the same thing makes you want to home school your kids but yhen you will be depriving them of the world but damn this is so sad.
As for as I am concern, this female animals should be chain and bound down in the Atlanta Ocean with no return. It breaks my heart knowing Amy died for no apparent reason. A sensely crime. I pray someone kill those animals. My deepest condolences to Amy’s family. S.I.Paradise Amy, they will reap what they have sown.Smdh at those female animals. As for the other girls families, at least they can visit the female animals in jail,while they are still alive, but Amy’s family have to burie their child and visit her grave after, just to continue to grieve over losing their daughter. So fuck the other female animals, they need to be dead after what they did to Amy, and the hell with their families too. Real Talk.