On Both of Them Being Single, Despite Rumors Jhené Was Secretly Married:
Chemistry aside, they both insist that they’re single and just enjoying each other’s company. “It was fun for me to do something that was not so serious as far as me telling all of my deepest, darkest thoughts and being extra introspective.”
“I don’t really record love songs. I usually express it when it’s gone bad. It was good to have songs from when it was a happy moment. It’s us having fun.”
“And it’s also a look into our future too, you know, maybe…”
A few weeks ago, rumors swirled that Jhené got secretly married to rapper Dot Da Genius, whose real name is Oladipo Omishore. The two were spotted out and about together for almost a year, before Dot Da Genius started posting pictures, referring to Jhené as his wife:

Jhené also stated in a recent interview that she’s currently in a serious relationship with someone less famous than her. She obviously wasn’t talking about Big Sean. I wonder what happened between then and now…
On How Their Mutual Fetish For Robots Inspired Their Cover Art:
Aiko and Sean conceived a music video short film in which they play adult film stars. “It’s a ’70s aesthetic, but we’re in the future.” Aiko explains.
“We’ve created another world,” she adds, “Both me and Sean are super into fantasy-driven movies and so combining stuff like robots and sex, that pretty much sums us up.”
Sean seconds this: “Robots are sexy as shit,” he says.
“We’ve created these characters that are extensions of ourselves,” Aiko continues, “it’s highly sexual.”
The two have released snippets of the short film via their album’s Instagram page: